Alexa LeCureux

Alexa LeCureux

Alexa is a dedicated military spouse of 10 years who has chosen to stay at home and raise her two children while her husband serves as an AFSOC Loadmaster.

In her free time, Alexa enjoys reading, baking, and spending time with her family. She is always looking for ways to give back to her community, whether through the fundraiser she started, Milspouses Make Cake Not Hate, or volunteering at her children's school and as a Key Spouse supporting military families in need.

Living in the United Kingdom has been an exciting and fulfilling experience for Alexa. She has embraced the opportunity to learn about and explore all Europe offers. Her love of travel has taken her and her family to many different countries, where they have had the chance to study other cultures and make unforgettable memories.

As an AFSOC Loadmaster wife, Alexa understands the importance of her husband's role in the Air Force and the sacrifices that come with it. She has learned to be resilient and adaptable, always ready to support her family through the ups and downs of military life.